선교지 소식

Malawi Student - Grace - Prayer Card.jpg


그레이스 음수콰 (Grace Umsukwa) 는 샌디에고 사랑교회 여자 성경공부 모임에서 후원하는 아프리카 중동부에 위치한 말라위에서 사는 선교사 준비생입니다.

여자 성경 공부 모임에서는 지난 2019년 2월부터 그녀가 Mbeya International Ministries에서 운영하는 성경대학에서 학업할 수 있도록 매월 소정의 선교 헌금으로 후원하고 있습니다.


그녀를 돕고 있는 Mbeya International Ministries 선교사 MATT HERBST는 샌디에고와 말라위를 위한 선교 사역을 하고 있습니다.


자세한 Mbeya International Ministries 말라위 선교 사역은 www.mbeya.org  를 방문해 주십시오.





아래는 Matt 선교사의 2번째 기도편지입니다.



Dear Sarang Women's Bible Study Group,


Please greet all of the ladies attending the Bible Study group for us, and thank them for praying for us and for supporting Grace.


Grace is a very humble woman of God who is constantly serving the other students. 


Attached is a little prayer card that somebody made to help us pray for Grace.


Additionally, Grace is asking for prayer for her family -- she has eight children -- and is praying that God will watch over them while she is in Bible college.


They also have a Bible study that meets in their home every night  of the week -- so she is praying that the people who attend with really know and follow Jesus and grow in obedience to His Word.


She also has a  discipleship group that she visits in the Zolozolo slum every Monday and Thursday with some  of her other classmates.
Even during our school holiday she visited those families in Zolozolo.
Will you please  pray for the Lord to use her to disciple, teach and  encourage all in this Bible study group in the slum?
We are praying for the slum -- that it will be transformed by the Gospel of Jesus.


Lastly, she is praying for help in her studies -- as English is difficult for her, and the books the students are reading are all in English.
Please pray that she will be able to learn and retain the information from her classes.


Thank you again for being part of her journey and her spiritual growth.
She is very thankful to have sponsors behind her making it possible for her to be in Bible college.


May God bless all of you so much!



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