선교지 소식

Yes, it consists of 5 pages but they have pictures and earnest attempts to be lively (which may offend some).

I came back from a long trip last night (arriving at home after mid-light) and felt the need to put in writing some thoughts I have had for some time about the possible role of Korean-Americans in God's global missionary enterprise.

I would appreciate it if you guys take the time to read this and give me some feedbacks.

The economy is tough for a lot of folks!  I appreciate those who have written to me. Those are who are able to support--thanks!  Those who are not able to support--don't worry about it but I am praying that you, being God's child, will experience a God who will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:13).

Thanks and God Bless

In Him

Ryun Chang

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